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I.V. Dressing/Fixer

non-woven adhesive dressing with absorbent pad

  • Sterile and adhesive as required for firmly securing cannulas used for hypodermic injections.
  • Laid on a non-woven hypoallergenic backing to be fitted with a central pad which facilitates the introduction of the hypodermic needle.
  • Waterproof but air permeable-shielding out water, dirt and germs.

Internal Silicone Splint



  • Easy insertion and removal
  • Fluoroplastic prevents adhesion.
  • Provides septal support.
  • The Bivalve Nasal Splint is designed to provide septal support and reduce or prevent adhesions between the septum and lateral nasal wall following surgery.
  • Punched suture holes Sterile, ready to use

Nasal Dressing Pack 8cm


ASHTON standard nasal packs are designed for use in a variety of nasal surgeries: septoplasty, turbinectomy, rhinoptasty, and more. They fill and support nasal cavities during surgery, allowing smooth septum ventilation to ensure patient comfort. ASHTON nasal packs also absorb post-operative bleeding effectively and efficiently. They are available with or without thread and airway tube.

Standard packs are used in a variety of nasal surgeries to support nasal cavities and effectively stop nose bleeding.

Nasal Dressing Pack With String 8cm


ASHTON standard nasal packs are designed for use in a variety of nasal surgeries: septoplasty, turbinectomy, rhinoptasty, and more. They fill and support nasal cavities during surgery, allowing smooth septum ventilation to ensure patient comfort. ASHTON nasal packs also absorb post-operative bleeding effectively and efficiently. They are available with or without thread and airway tube.

Standard packs are used in a variety of nasal surgeries to support nasal cavities and effectively stop nose bleeding.

Nasal Dressing Pack With String and Tube 8cm


ASHTON standard nasal packs are designed for use in a variety of nasal surgeries: septoplasty, turbinectomy, rhinoptasty, and more. They fill and support nasal cavities during surgery, allowing smooth septum ventilation to ensure patient comfort. ASHTON nasal packs also absorb post-operative bleeding effectively and efficiently. They are available with or without thread and airway tube.

Standard packs are used in a variety of nasal surgeries to support nasal cavities and effectively stop nose bleeding.

Nasal Septal Button



  • Cost effective.
  • Easily trimmed to assure proper fit.
  • Non-surgical closure of septal perforations.
  • Ease of insertion and removal.
  • Soft medical-grade silicone permits ease of insertion, maximum patient     comfort, proven biocompatibility.
  • Provide sterile, ready to use

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